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Medical College є3
ћћ” є3The state educational institution of average vocational training of a city of Moscow Medical school є3 Departments of public health services of a city of Moscow (ћћ” є3) is located in the Central district of a city, on the basis of Morozovsky children's city clinical hospital. The medical school є 3 is certified, has the state accreditation, the licence (registration from 09.07.2003г. є 014921). Since September, 1st, 1931 in territory of Morozovsky children's clinical hospital courses for the younger medical personnel (sanitary courses) which existed till 1936 have been opened. With 1936 on 1957гг. The biennial school of staff nurses for child care centres functioned. From July, 20th, 1957 є 3041 school has been renamed by the decision of the Moscow Council into medical school є 3 Mosgorzdravotdela.
In an educational institution skilled teachers and doctors carry out preparation of the average medical personnel first of all for MDGKB and a city medical network. School placing in territory of such glorified medical institution causes in students and employees a pride and participation to the finest in the world to business - to preservation of health of children. In school the modern material base is created. Educational offices are equipped by audio- and video equipment, computers and methodical workings out theoretical and a practical training. Offices of "nursing care bases» in school are equipped by training apparatus, models for performance of all manipulations.
Moscow, 4th Dobryninsky lane, 1, building 20.
District map:
Phones: +7 495 236-73-88, +7 495 237-51-03
The director: Ustenko Irina Fedorovna
Selection committee ћћ” є3 works since June, 1st, from 9.00 till 17.00 o'clock, daily, except Saturday and Sunday. Phone for inquiries and a selection committee: (495 237-51-03.

In medical school є 3 preliminary courses (paid) work. The beginning of employment on courses from November, 1st till May inclusive.


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The unofficial web site of MMY є 3 version 2.8 by Dimapilot & SL. 2006 -2009. ICQ # 415054570; 499053912